Aria's OC Menagerie

FFXIV RP Character Hub

This site is an OOC hub for the FFXIV Player ariaAnomaly. I am a friendly, 30+ year old non-binary person with many years of experience under my belt who is just here to have a good time roleplaying and making friends.

Active Characters

The following are the characters I'm typically the most active one. They usually are the ones with storylines of some sort going on, that I take to venues the most often, and generally have the most connections on so they tend to be the ones brought out for RP more. I'm always happy to write them!

Less Active Characters

The following are characters I still bring out pretty regularly whether by request, to write with one of their regular partners, or to take to the occasional venue. I likely probably want to do more with them and am just looking for the chance, perhaps you'll indulge me and give me one?

Background Characters

I rarely RP the following characters unless they're needed for a particular storyline, are asked for by request, are only written with one person, or I randomly get the itch to play them. However, if any catch your eye, I'd love a good enough hook or reason to bring them out, so give it a try?


Sweetness Incarnate

Name: Lady Cetah de Kraehe (formerly Sabhaircín)
Nicknames: Kitten, lil' flower, Lemoncake, petite fae, princess, your/her highness
Age: Young Adult (appears early-mid 20s, typically, regardless of what she's presenting as)
Race: Faerie who typically presents as a Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te and finds that to be her 'truest' form whether it really is or not. She is a shape shifter, so sometimes can be seen as other races, but it's not too often an occurrence these days since she's gotten better control over those powers.
Profession: Tailor/Fashion Designer, Candle/Incense Maker, Homemaker, Mother, runs a boutique with her wife
Nameday: 30th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon (12/30)
Located: A sizeable estate in the Lavendar Beds with her wife, husband, and their many children as well as a few others. She also has a secret forest grotto she goes to from time to time that only she knows how to get to.
Gender: Technically genderfluid, but prefers to keep to a feminine form and she/her pronouns.
Even in masculine form she'd prefer they/them or she/her over he/him.
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual with a fairly heavy lean towards masculine people
Alignment: Neutral Good
Relationship Status: Taken (Polyamorous Relationship)
Married to two people (one female, one male), and dating a few others (all male), not actively seeking anyone else, but if it happens it happens.

Height and Build: Fluctuates between 4'5"-4'7" regardless of what race/gender she's presenting as, petite and light to the point of barely weighing anything at all (her fluff almost weighs more then her)
Notable Features: very smol, very fluffy (large tail, long hair, big ears), large blue doe eyes, sometimes has wings, incredily potent aether for those who can sense it
Personality Notes: Sweet, kind, bashful, occasional boughts of boldness, self conscious, motherly, prone to over worrying, generous, forgiving

A sweet woman who is seemingly Miqo'te and has a passion for baking, fashion, and helping those in need in whatever way she can. She works as a fashion designer/seamstress of fairly impressive talent as well in making specialized candles and incenses that are meant to help promote peaceful sleep among other healthy things. Bashful with a bit of a stammer she can be a little awkward and self conscious but has her little bold moments when needed and she's comfortable with someone. She enjoys meeting new people and is generally a very friendship girl despite those bits of bashfulness, and it'd be hard to find someone quite as soft and gentle as she is. It's often said by those meeting her that she tends to bring out their protective instincts whether she means to or not.

RP Information

Activity Level: Content and RP Main, very active
Pairs Best With: Just about any type of char, really. She is gentle and sweet and I'm told hard to not want to protect and be around. Even rougher types tend to warm up to her pretty easily, as she isn't particularly judgmental and gives people a lot of chances before she'd give up on them as long as they aren't doing anything particular heinous towards her.
Types of RP Available For: Mostly social-based RP (friendship primarily. romance with chemistry is possible but not being actively sought), business based (she makes clothing, candles, and incense and runs a small shop for such), casual/cute venues to visit. She likes going on adventures as well with people she trusts and feels safe with, dark themes or anything heavily combat related will need to be discussed first.

Possible Hooks

  • You are looking for some new fashions to be made (whether clothing or accessories)

  • You are interested in customized candles and/or incenses that are magically enchanted for a variety of effects

  • You are able to sense aether in some way and are curious why she's just a very large, dense being of aether and are drawn to her, wether for good or ill

  • Alternatively, you're also one of the fae and can sense your kin and want to say hi

  • You like small, cute things and want to make a new friend!



See carrd linked above for more art! Only shared some of the best ones here!


Levin and Roses

Name: Kaiko Raesho
Nicknames: Kai, Levinbolt
Age: early 30s
Race: Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te
Profession: Master of Rune Magic, levin and magical sword play as well as an instructor for the above for those she seems worthy of training, she also runs a spa and bath/beauty supplies shop with her sister as well as rents her Shiro apartment and Island Retreat out from time to time
Nameday: 22nd Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon (8/22)
Located: A fairly sizeable house right next to the beach in the Mists that she lives in with her wife and boyfriend, she also has an apartment In Shirogane, is looking to get one in the Goblet, and has financed her own island for vacations and profit making
Gender: female (she/her)
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Relationship Status: Taken (Polyamorous Open Relationship)
Married to one person (female), seriously dating another (male), and casually dating a few others (mostly males). Typically open for casual dalliances and relationships but unlikely to take on any more serious lovers without a lot of work involved first

Height and Build: 5'3" - Incredibly curvy, very thick thighs, heavy bust and buttocks, and very muscular/buff.
Notable Features: vividly magenta eyes, strong and over abundant levin aspected aether (for those who can sense aether)
Personality Notes: Bold, confident, experienced, sultry, adventerous

A Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te who was originally born in Gyr Abania but spent most her childhood and young adult life on the streets of Ul'dah. While still bold and prideful the once overly brash and headstrong girl has mellowed out some in recent times and has grown far more calculating and mindful of her actions, specially when others may also be at stake. A spellblade skilled in runic magic and with a strong control over levin she's a force to be reckoned with both in and out of battle, and a great ally to have on your side. Past that though she loves a good drink and is never one to turn down a good time, whether that be going out on some sort of adventure, hitting up a venue, or something a bit more private behind closed doors.

RP Information

Activity Level: RP Main, fairly active but not as much as used to be
Pairs Best With: People who are confident, know what they want, and are fun to be around. Being flirty is a plus but not a big deal for her at this point. She loves a good drinking of fighting buddy and FWBs are always a possibility with her.
Types of RP Available For: Social RP (friendship, casual hookups, more serious romance is unlikely but possible with the right chemistry and work involved), interesting venues to hit up, combat/adventure RP. Dark themes welcome though should be discussed beforehand.

Possible Hooks

  • Interested in learning about rune magic, spellblade sword skills, or levin control?

  • Alternatively you are an expert in some form of the above yourself and she may be interested in learning new things herself from

  • Looking for a drinking buddy? Maybe a sparring partner?

  • Interested in investing in one of various business ventures she's involved in?

  • Just wanna smooch a really hot cat who's always down to party?

  • Around her age and grew up in Ul'dah and possibly would know her from back then?



See carrd linked above for more art! Only shared some of the best ones here!


The Soft Doctor

Name: Emile Atticus
Nicknames: Em
Age: mid 30s
Race: pureblooded garlean
Profession: Magitek Technician, Tech Scholar, Medicus who specializes in prosthetics/mobility aids
Nameday: 16th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon (12/16)
Located: A fairly sizeable estate in the outskirts of Garlemald that he, his twin sister, Amelia, and their cousin, Minerva, built up together
Gender: Male (he/him or they/them)
Orientation: Homoromantic Demisexual
Alignment: True Neutral
Relationship Status: Taken (Polyamorous Open Relationship)
Dating two men and not really open to any more than that at this time, he can barely believe the two want him let alone anyone else on top of that, poor self conscious man

Height and Build: 5'5" - slender, slightly squishy, petite waist
Notable Features: Incredibly scarred from his face down to his toes of which he rarely will ever go out into public without full clothing coverage on his body, the softest fluffiest hair ever
Personality Notes: awkward, shy, geeky, sincere, self conscious, helpful, kind

A quiet man living with his twin sister in Garlemald who tends to keep to himself, his machines, and his medical studies. After nearly a decade of being in hiding after tragic events in his past, he's recently returned home and was reunited with home and family and is trying to find his place amongst the ruins and rebuilding of the empire. A frail man plagued by illness and insecurities, he's somewhat shy and keeps to himself, but those who do get past the shy, wary exterior will find a kind and caring man who just wants to do good for the world and reclaim a life that was taken from him for so long.

RP Information

Activity Level: Semi-active alt, mostly only RP him with his boyfriends players, but not against bringing him out more!
Pairs Best With: People who will be careful with him, non-aggressive or rough types, anyone who is skilled with engineering is a plus, or medical types who could help him learn more in that area
Types of RP Available For: Social RP (primarily friendship, anything romantic is unlikely but technically possible, but will require very good chemistry and will be very slowburn.) Any sort of RP that would involve his engineering or medical work as well as anything involving Garlemald and its restoration.

Possible Hooks

  • You are looking for someone who specializes in making prosthetics or mobility aids

  • You've heard of his skills with magitek and are seeking him out to get something made or repaired

  • You're around his age and went to the Magitek Academy or were in the army and may possibly know him from the past

  • You are assisting in Garlemald's restoration in some way, or delivering goods for it

  • You find yourself in trouble while in Garlemald, chances are you'll be brought to the good doctor's place if medical attention is needed




Novelist and Gun Enthusiast

Name: Amelia Atticus
Nicknames: Ams, Lia
Age: mid 30s
Race: Purebloood Garlean
Profession: Novelist and Poet
Nameday: 16th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon (12/16)
Located: A fairly sizeable estate in the outskirts of Garlemald that she, her twin brother, Emile, and their cousin, Minerva, built up together
Gender: female (she/her)
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Relationship Status: Taken (Monogomous Relationship)

Height and Build: 5'6" - slender athletic build with some curves
Notable Features: resting bitch face, often has smudges of ink somewhere on her face
Personality Notes: agoraphobic, self centered, brash, sensitive, sweet to those she's comfy with

A quiet, reclusive woman who lives with her twin brother in Garlemald. A brother whom she's only recently been reunited with after nearly a decade of chasing after his seeming ghost. After so long of not living her own life she's just starting to come into her own again and figure out who she wants to be and where she wants to go with her life. Two things have always kept her interest though, her guns and writing her poetry and stories, so perhaps her future will lie somewhere with them.

RP Information

Activity Level: Mostly inactive alt, only really comes out when needed and when RPing with her boyfriend's player
Pairs Best With: Mindful and patient types, she isn't the easiest to get along with as she's got very strong social anxiety, prone to panic attacks sometimes for little reason, and generally is a bit agoraphobic unless it involves going out into the wilds to shoot her precious guns
Types of RP Available For: Friendly/social (though will be rough for the person trying to befriend her, apologies in advance!), interactions with other writers or fans of her books (listed below), or a new publisher to publish said books!


  • Three poetry anthems, one that's just whimsical poetry about the seasons, one with poems about the war waged by Garlemald, and one about her own personal emotions in regards to various facets of her life

  • One Short Story Anthem that is mostly one to two chapter long stories of various random topics that was mostly just her testing the waters of moving past just being a poet

  • The first book in what is to eventually be a trilogy that is about a group of adventurers who end up discovering hidden truths about the world hidden behind waterfalls the world, some of which threaten the very fate of the star. She's currently struggling to find someone to publish it, due to 'creative' differences with her current publisher




She who walks with Chaos

Name: Lady Yolaine Zauveaux
Nicknames: Mistress
Age: Mature Adult
Race: Duskwight Elezen
Profession: Void Witch, Master of Malasatra and Kiela
Nameday: 28th Sun of 5th Umbral Moon (10/28)
Located: Currently on the run from angry forest spirits, who knows where she'll end up..
Gender: Female (she/her)
Orientation: Grayromantic Gynosexual
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Relationship Status: Single

Height and Build: 6'4" - long legs, somewhat muscular and fairly curvy
Notable Features: Never seen in public without a mask, imposing presence, voidal energy for those who can sense it (it is masked so only those with strong senses)
Personality Notes: commanding, domineering, prideful, arrogant, selfish, icy to those who don't interest her

An albinic woman who tends to wear a mask when in public, cool and collected with an air of bewitching allure to her person. Somewhat aloof and distant at first meeting but can show great interest and forwardness towards those who pique her curiosity. Those who have dealings with her will find her to be a shrewd business woman with an incredibly icy exterior. She is a known collector of all things occult, powerful, or odd in general and regularly commissions others to seek out certain special artifacts for her, though likely are never given details on why she seeks them out. It is a very rare few who know about her actual private dealings with the void, nor the cruelty involved therein.

RP Information

Activity Level: Fairly inactive alt, mostly used at a catalyst/foil/villain in other characters stories
Pairs Best With: People she can take advantage of in some way, voidsent she can control, submissive femme presenting people
Types of RP Available For: Mostly storyline based stuff (mine, mostly, but honestly if you think she'd make for an interesting addition to your storyline hit me up and let's plot! Just keep in mind I have no desire to have her actually killed so if you're looking for a beatable villain in that sort of way she's not the one for you, though that's not to say she can't be beaten, of course! Just no death.)




He of Hollowed Night

Name: Gustavain Kardaux
Nicknames: Gust
Age: Unknown, appears mid 30s physically
Race: Appears to be a Duskwight Elezen - half voidsent (not publicly known)
Profession: Seeker of rare artifacts and various other odd jobs
Nameday: Unknown
Located: A small but practical estate located in the Empyreum
Gender: Male (he/him or they/them)
Orientation: Grayromantic Pansexual with a male lean
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Relationship Status: Courting one man, not really in a rush to find anyone else, but if it happens it happens

Height and Build: 7'3" - very tall, slender but toned
Notable Features: Piercingly silver eyes, many scars on face/body along with intricate markings/tattoos, voidal energy for those who can sense it (it is masked so only those with strong senses)
Personality Notes: quiet, reserved, thoughtful, not very emotional, protective and loyal once you've gained his trust (rare)

Skilled in a multitude of talents, including playing the piano and being the man who can get just about any job done. He is constantly searching for rare and powerful objects for his employer and rare/old tomes for himself, and will never shy away from trying to make connections with those who are powerful and influential. Not one to let people in close, he is certainly a man of mystery that may draw people in simply on that fact alone. After all, who dosen't like to try and puzzle out someone who doesn't want to be solved?

RP Information

Activity Level: Fairly active alt, have a regular venue I take him to and currently active storylines for him that I'm excited to do more with, he'll be having some big changes in his life soon so definitely looking to bring him out even more throughout and after such!
Pairs Best With: Anyone who has a love for music is likely to find themselves connecting with him more easily than anyone else, after that anyone involved in collecting or finding rare artifacts/tomes are also of interest to him. Outside of that....mileage will vary, good luck!
Types of RP Available For: Mostly social and business-based RP. Higher class venues. Friendship and romance are both very slow burn with him (and the latter only with heavy chemistry), but he's available for casual dalliances and connections. Dark themes very welcomed, though should always be discussed first!

Possible Hooks

  • You are involved with finding/seeking rare artifacts and/or tomes and looking for someone to do dealings with

  • You are a voidsent or something adjacent and feel something similar coming from him but can't quite tell why it's different and are curious to find out why

  • Alternatively, you have strong aether senses and can tell something isn't quite normal about him and want to look into it further, whether for good or ill

  • You are involved in the musical arts in some way, or at least interested in it and perhaps would like to hear Gustavain play the piano

  • You have unique or powerful aether yourself that may be particularly...interesting to someone who needs to consume aether to live

  • You just happen to like pretty men and want to say hi when you see him at the fancy venue across the way from you...




Eorzea's Darling

Name: Hatia Kyskarim-Tyaka
Nicknames: Hati
Age: young adult
Race: Rava Viera
Profession: Travelling Performer (Dancer/Singer/Harpist)
Nameday: 27th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon (9/26)
Located: A lovely little home with her husband and children (triplets) in Shirogane
Gender: Female (she/her)
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Relationship Status: Taken/Married (Semi-Open Relationship)

Height and Build: 5'9" - athletically built but a little more weight on the chest/hips since giving birth
Notable Features: Heterochromia eyes (vivid blue and green)
Personality Notes: Happy, upbeat, sweet, friendly, musical, energetic, motherly

A sweet and curious Rava Viera who has left the safety of her jungle home to introduce her song and dance to all of Eorzea. Kind and giving to a fault she's always happy to offer a song, dance, or smile to those she comes across. For those into the music scene, she made quite a name for herself as an idol before she took a break to raise a family, which she's only just recently started to come back from. Her family will always come first, though, and with triplets and a very doting husband they can certainly take up a lot of her time! Not that she'd have it any other way.

RP Information

Activity Level: fairly inactive alt, mostly only bring her out to RP with her husband's player
Pairs Best With: Other musicians, friendly types in general, though honestly she's kind of a sunshine type of char and gets along with most people and hates to see a frown on anyone's face, other parents as well are great for connections as she'd love for her children to have more friends their age!
Types of RP Available For: social/friendly, possibly some adventure-related stuff. romance is mostly off the table, while their relationship is open it's more so for him then for her as she's quite content with her life as it is. Someday I may be interested in doing performance RP on her but at this time that isn't an option as it'd take a lot more energy and effort then I'm currently able to give




Sweet smile, Sharp blades

Name: Minako Hisakawa
Nicknames: Mina
Age: Young Adult
Race: Raen Au Ra/Midlander Hyur Mix
Profession: Adventurer and Occasional Model
Nameday: 24th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon (12/24)
Located: Rents a small apartment in the Mist
Gender: Female (she/her)
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual with a male lean
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Relationship Status: Single

Height and Build: 4'7" - slender but well toned, small bust but wide hips
Notable Features: Heterochromia eyes (pastel pink and blue), very short tail, hardly any scales on her body and none on face, floral tattoos over her body
Personality Notes: cocky, adventurous, possessive, vindictive, friendly but quick to cut people off

A half hyuran/raen girl who typically has a smile to offer those she comes across. There is often a bit of mischief to her eyes that betrays her otherwise sweet exterior. There's definitely more to this girl than meets the eye, but in what way one would have to get to know her to find out. She rarely wants to talk about her family or her past, and is typically much more eager to jump into some sort of new and wild adventure or bit of mischief instead.

RP information

Activity Level: fairly inactive alt, used to play her more but after multiple things falling out for her I kind of lost motivation. I'd love for something to come along to bring it back, though
Pairs Best With: People who will find her mischievous personality cute or charming, are generally patient, or the type to indulge her antics, even. Or alternatively it's always fun to play her as more of an annoying clingy type with someone so if you want a char to have a tiny pest following them around...
Types of RP Available For: friendly/social as much as playfully antagonistic stuff, adventure RP, romance with chemistry (but be warned, she's kind of a baby yandere...)



The Fitness Catte

Name: Vanoh Sondaica (Formerly L'Vanoh Tia)
Nicknames: Van
Age: Mid-late 20s
Race: Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te
Profession: Owner of a Gym and fitness/wellness coach
Nameday: 17th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon (9/16)
Located: An apartment in the Lavendar Beds
Gender: Male (he/him)
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Alignment: Neutral Good
Relationship Status: Taken (Polyamorous Relationship)
Currently very content with the woman he's dating so not in any rush to date anyone else

Height and Build: 5'6" - incredibly muscular
Notable Features: Tiger marks on his face and all over his body, very long striped tail
Personality Notes: sweet, kind, friendly, energetic, active, helpful, affectionate, not very book smart

A charming seeker male who runs a fitness gym and wellness center and is all about living your best life. Always ready to help those in need and while he's mostly retired from the adventurer's lifestyle he's still quite skilled with the lance and ready to pick it back up whenever the time arises. For now, he's just here for gains, pretty faces, and living a good life while helping others do the same.

Types of RP Open For

Activity Level: Semi-active alt. While I mostly only bring him out when RPing with his girlfriend or other chars involved in his life, I'm definitely open to RPing him with new people too
Pairs Best With: Honestly, most people, really. He's a friendly, easy going guy who doesn't get upset very easily at all. He wants only the best for people and to help them be their best self. Comes with his line of work, really. He's yet to meet a person he wasn't willing to rise to the challenge of befriending or helping in some way.
Types of RP Available For: Mostly social-based RP. Friendship, business related, romance (with chemistry and likely a good bit of effort on the other person's part as he's content with what he has already), possibly some venue stuff

Possible Hooks

  • You're interested in getting personal fitness or wellness coaching

  • You're looking for a gym to go to get your gains

  • You're looking for a workout buddy or perhaps a sparring partner

  • You're just looking for a new friend, perhaps someone who can lend an open ear and friendly smile



Bohemian High Lady

Name: Lady Celeste de Lovelace
Nicknames: Este, Little Lady
Age: young adult (especially for a viera)
Race: Rava Viera
Profession: Accomplished artist (painter and sculptor) who runs an Atelier/Art Shop and Ishgardian Noble (adopted into a Viscount house)
Nameday: 12th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon (2/11)
Located: A fancy noble's estate in Ishgard, as well as her own apartment separately located in the Empyreum
Gender: Female (she/her)
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual with a male lean
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Relationship Status: Casually seeing two people currently and always ready to mingle otherwise

Height and Build: 4'11" - Smol and chubby, very large bust, heavy bottom, thick thighs
Notable Features: white freckles all over, downturned ears, tyically has glasses on
Personality Notes: fun, playful, flirty, creative, dramatic, flighty, whimsical, needy

The pretty middle child of an Ishgardian Viscount and Viscountess, adopted from an orphanage at a young age after her talent for art was found. She grew up rather sheltered and as such has some rather idealistic views of the world that are slowly being dismantled the more she experiences of it and the various new influences she meets. Her love for art only grew over the years, gaining her some fame in various upper class circles for both painting and sculpture work. She is always seeking new models and new experiences to inspire her art, and quite enjoys learning more of the world as she slowly loosens those gilded shackles.

RP Information

Activity Level: Very active alt. I bring her out to RP with partners and to venues quite regularly and am always actively seeking new connections for her
Pairs Best With: She can be quite dramatic at times, and typically does expect respect from others due to her title, especially elezen/hyuran nobles for reasons that may or may not be obvious if you know her. That said, she also seems to have a penchant to be attracted to people who are more on the mischievous side (gremlins, really), and has a bit of a playful streak of her own. She's more likely to lose her interest in a person if they don't consistently make things unique and fun to be around them for. All this is to say she's kind of a wild card and she could love you as much as hate you depending on her mood and how you approach her alongside who you are to her.
Types of RP Available For: Mostly social-based RP. Friendship, romance (with chemistry), casual dalliances, business contacts. Fancy venues (and sometimes not so fancy), bad and good influences. I am interested in entertaining a possible arranged marriage plot in the future if anyone would be interested in offering someone for it.

Possible Hooks

  • You are looking to commission an artist and have heard of her skill or otherwise been referred to her by someone

  • You are in the area and happen across her art supply shop/atelier

  • You are a fan of her work and would love to get to know the artist personally

  • You are someone with a unique aesthetic (whether physically or fashion wise) and would likely catch her eye as someone she'd like to model for her!

  • You grew up in Ishgard and knew her growing up, whether as a positive or negative experience that may have been for her

  • You like short, chubby girls and would like to get to know this one!




Lady Fights a Lot

Name: Syllvia Arquette (public facing name), real name only known to those close
Nicknames: Syl
Age: Far older then she looks
Race: Dragon (typically keeps to a partial elezen form)
Profession: chaos creator
Nameday: Does it matter? Every day is a good day to celebrate her, she says.
Located: Who knows, really, she likely won't tell you even if you ask. Probably just a cave somewhere.
Gender: Female (but doesn't really give a damn what pronouns you use for her)
Orientation: Fightsexual, you must be able to keep up with her or beat her in combat to ride this ride
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Relationship Status: Single

Height and Build: 6'0" - Very musucular, specially in the legs
Notable Features: firey red horns and dragon-like tail, red hued scales on various parts of her body, unique eyes with a few circular rings in them
Personality Notes: bold, brash, prideful, combative, aggressive to the point of being violent

A dragon who fell from the nest not long after hatching and had been taken in by a family of heretics whose surname she now carries. For many of her younger years she thought herself elezen, having imprinted on said family, taking on a more humanoid shape in turn. It wasn't until her teen years that she started to show more of her true self and start to lean into it more. Always a bit of a scrappy girl she only grew to become increasingly aggressive and after a tragic situation involving her adoptive family she became outright hostile to most. Now she just travels around wanting to start fights and find anyone who can perhaps go toe to toe with her and her lance.

RP Information

Activity Level: fairly inactive alt, she's more a fun concept char then one I've actually had any chance to write, yet.
Pairs Best With: People who like to fight! Really that's it. You must be willing if not excited to tussle with her. If you aren't, you aren't of any interest to her.
Types of RP Available For: FIGHT HER 1v1 (or hell bring some friends she's cool with that too). Friendship/romance might come after, but you gotta keep up with her first!



Ser Perpetually Exhausted

Name: Lord Tristen de Georjeaux
Nicknames: Blue eyes
Age: Mature Adult
Race: Ishgardian Elezen
Profession: Minor Nobleman (Baron) and retired knight
Nameday: 26th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon (5/26)
Located: A small estate in the Empyreum
Gender: Male (he/him)
Orientation: Panromantic Graysexual
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Relationship Status: Single but currently on the market to possibly find a spouse

Height and Build: 6'9" - very sturdy/muscular
Notable Features: Always looks two seconds from passing out, often wears large statement earrings and claws on his fingertips, piercingly blue eyes
Personality Notes: quiet, thoughtful, chivalrous, calm, caring, polite, self deprecating, selfless

This forcibly retired knight and recently made Baron and head of house had not expected to be thrust into the role of responsibility, having expected his cousin to take over. He also hadn't expected said cousin to fall in love with an eastern dancer and run off to be with them, and now here he is, having to figure this all out, mostly on his own. Up until now he was working as a house knight for a bigger house, and had planned to spend his whole life being a knight in general. Life's funny like that, huh. Maybe he'll find himself a spouse at some point who can help shoulder some of it and let the poor man rest for more then a minute.

RP Information

Activity Level: Semi-active alt. I'd like to do more on him it's just a matter of finding the chances to.
Pairs Best With: People who are confident and able to speak their mind clearly, will be honest with him, and perhaps be a little forward, even. He's a bit reserved of a man who thinks he's not much of anything interesting so the types of people who wouldn't accept that typically work best for bringing him out of his shell.
Types of RP Available For: Social RP, possible romantic RP (with chemistry would be nice, but political marriage is a possibility for him so it could be without, as well), combat/sparring RP

Possible Hooks

  • You are or used to be a knight of some regard yourself and perhaps served alongside him and want to reminisce about the good times

  • You're a more experienced noble and perhaps want to take pity on this poor man and help teach him the ropes

  • You're of marriageable age and could possibly be introduced to him as a potential spouse

  • You are looking for work in one of the noble houses, he's particularly looking for someone who would be good at helping with paperwork



The Plucky Adventurer

Name: Amarylis Sokanti
Nicknames: Ama
Age: young adult
Race: Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te
Profession: adventurer and member of Rosa's Monster Hunter's Guild
Nameday: 6th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon (1/6)
Located: A lovely house by the pools in the Goblet
Gender: Female (she/her)
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Relationship Status: Is fairly sweet on a couple of fellas but nothing super 'official' as of yet. She's also always ready and willing to mingle, otherwise.

Height and Build: 4'10" - incredibly curvy, heavy bust, wide hips, strong arms
Notable Features: very small ears, floral tattoos all along her right arm/shoulder and left leg, big dimples
Personality Notes: playful, plucky, adventurous, excitable, loveable, flirty, friendly, annoyingly optimistic at almost all times

If you could condense the positive energy of the sun into the shape of a person, that person would probably be Amarylis. Very little seems to keep this plucky girl down, the world is wide and open and she's out here ready to explore every last ilm of it. She gets along with most types of people, even those who normally might be hard to as she will look past any mean exteriors for what she believes to be the good inside. She tries her best to be the good she feels the world needs and goes to great lengths to stick to that, even when it's hard.

RP Information

Activity Level: Very active alt. She's my precious sunshine baby and I adore writing her and am always up for finding new people to throw her at!
Pairs Best With: Just about anyone, honestly. Due to her perky, plucky, positive attitude she rarely ever gets upset and even outright mockery towards her is usually turned back against the person in weirdly positive ways, either because she's smarter then she let's herself seem or because she's really just that oblivious to what they really meant, who knows, really. That said, she does have a big soft spot for masculine types who are far taller/bigger then her so is easily drawn to them, especially if they're adventurous types as well.
Types of RP Available For: Both social-based and combat/adventure based RP. Friendship, romance (with chemistry), casual hookups. She loves seeing new places and meeting new people and is quite handy with a bow.

Possible Hooks

  • You are from the La Noscea region and possibly know her family who are well known orange farmers in the area and her older brother a fairly known dock hand in the city

  • You have need of an adventure to take on a mission for you (kill some monsters, find some items, whatever it may be)

  • You are a fellow adventurer and looking for a partner for a job!

  • You're interested in joining a monster hunting guild

  • You just wanna make new friends, she's always up for meeting new faces and can be found just about anywhere!

  • You like smooching cute cattes, cause she's always down to play, perhaps a little too much so

  • You'd be interested in purchasing some of the specially enchanted arrows she makes herself




The Aetherdense Pup

Name: Qestra Sjasaris
Nicknames: Pup
Age: appears young adult physically but is older then she looks
Race: puppy? Even she doesn't know, really. She was found at sea and adopted by hyur fisherman
Profession: Works for the Arcanist Guild
Nameday: 18th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon (10/18)
Located: Houseboat off the docks of the Mist
Gender: Female (she/her)
Orientation: Biromantic Bisexual
Alignment Neutral Good
Relationship Status: Single

Height and Build: 5'0" - petite
Notable Features: Heterochromia eyes (lighter pink and darker pink), folded puppy ears, curly puppy tail, magical girl themed tatoos, absurdly potent levels of aether for those who can sense it
Personality Notes: quirky, cute, friendly, oblivious, naive, gullible, clingy, easily pleased

Qestra is a sweet girl with a good heart and seemingly no common sense. She's oblivious to most things that could result in danger to her and is far too trusting of most that she meets. She must have incredibly high luck though because despite these facts so far she's seemed to escape any sort of truly dire situations. She may not know much about what she is or where she came from as she was found out at sea by her now belated hyuran parents, but she does her best to live every day as fully as she can. She lives in a cute little house boat, works for the Arcanist guild, has a soft spot for all things cute and loves to fish! Like, a whole lot.

RP Information

Activity Level: semi-active with a desire for her to be more active in the future
Pairs Best With: honestly I'm happy to pair her with just about any type of person, whether it'd be someone who'd find her cute and want to protect her naive little puppy butt or someone who would likely take advantage of her for the same reason or perhaps even something in between, somehow. Personally she gets along with most types because of her very dog-like personality, lol. Take her for walkies and call her a good girl and she'll be your best friend!
Types of RP Available For: Mostly social-based RP. Friendship, romance (with chemistry). Adventure is on the cards as well, as she does want to see more of the world but is scared to go alone! Also, fishing? Do people do fishing RP, even?
I'm also open to darker themes involving her and her oblivious nature and how it could be taken advantage of or her being the target of bad actors because of her strong aether, but there will need to be proper discussion first before any of that.

Possible Hooks

  • You're from Limsa or are around the area often enough to probably have met her or seen her around, or at least easily run into her at some point!

  • You like to fish! Chances are you might run into her at some point doing the same, or perhaps you're even introduced to her for advice on the hobby

  • You're a new arcanist regularly going to the guild for training, as she may be the one to train you in the art of carbuncle summoning, something she's particularly well skilled in

  • You're able to sense aether in some way and can tell there is something definitely odd about how dense and abundant hers is

  • You are a tailor who makes cute clothing, she probably will want to purchase something cute and new for herself!

  • She just looks like an easy mark for whatever schemes you may be up to




Pearl of the Red Tides

Name: Akashio no Shinju (Shinju Akashio)
Nicknames: Shin, Princess, Pearl
Age: young adult
Race: deep sea raen (fish girl)
Profession: Priestess and princess of a lost sea kingdom
Nameday: 6th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon (6/6)
Located: A small grotto/shrine in Shirogane
Gender: Female (she/her or they/them)
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Alignment: Neutral Good
Relationship Status: Single

Height and Build: 4'7" - petite with somewhat wide hips
Notable Features: pearl white finned ears and a large betta-like tail, mermaid like scales on body and face, vivid red and white coloring
Personality Notes: quiet, calm, peaceful, endearing, graceful, reserved, honorable, steadfast in her resolve once she's made it about something, incredibly loyal if you gain her trust

Recently washed up on the shores of Eorzea after her kingdom was destroyed by a rival clan, this lost princess was helped back to the East where she's found a new home while trying to put together the pieces of her life left shattered by losing everything. She does her best to keep positive despite her situation, but it's not rare to hear rumors of sobbing heard deep into the night in place she thinks nobody will find. She's determined to continue on, even if things are rough, and with the right support she likely will succeed...perhaps.

RP Information

Activity Level: semi-active alt I haven't gotten to do as much on as I've wanted and have had multiple things fall out for, care to help change that?
Pairs Best With: protective type, those who like to help others, honorable sorts.
Types of RP Available For: Mostly social-based RP. Friendship, romance (with chemistry). There are some darker themes in her story down the road so anyone involving themselves with her should prepare themselves for that.

Possible Hooks

  • You're a guardian/protector type, specially if eastern themed (ronins and the like), and are looking for a new master/liege to swear your loyalty and protection to

  • You're from the East and could possibly run into her, specially in the Shiro district she's mostly found herself keeping to

  • You've heard tales of the sea priestess who gives surprisingly accurate fortunes to those who seek her out

  • (only with discussion/approval beforehand) You happen to be someone from her old kingdom that also survived and have sought out your princess to help serve in some form

  • alternatively (and also with discussion/approval beforehand) You're from the kingdom that destroyed hers and have found out that she still lives and are tasked with finding her, but to what end?

  • You run some form of sweets shop in the east, she can't get enough of them!

  • You're a treasure hunter or the type to find stuff for people, as she may very well have work for you


Her scales have changed a lot over the years for one reason or another, the current most accurate version is the mermaid like scales in the first image! Will eventually have enough new screens to replace all these with the more accurate ones.


Klepto Dragonbirb

Name: Karakaxa Tesseris (not a real name, but the moniker that was inscribed on the statis pod they're from)
Nicknames: Kara, Monster, Birb
Age: Unknown, looks fairly young adult physically
Race: allagan chimera (dragon/bird based)
Profession: None, unless nuisance and general chaos maker counts
Nameday: Unknown
Located: Some old snowy ruins in Coerthas that's they've made into their nest
Gender: non-binary, they/them or she/her pronouns, appears afab physically
Orientation: If she likes it, she likes it, labels mean nothing to them otherwise
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Relationship Status: Single and unlikely to change as the concept of relationships is a bit beyond them

Height and Build: 7'5" - very gangly, awkwardly long limbs, but somewhat muscular as well
Notable Features: Vividly colored scales that are almost holographic in nature with matching horns, Heterochromia eyes (purple and green) with draconic slits, bird-like legs and tail feathers, large wings, moves in a very feral like way and has very bird-like mannerisms
Personality Notes: aggressive, kleptomaniac, feral, nonsensical, greedy, oddly affectionate to the object of their obsessions, quick to anger

It's been a short while now since this pretty but bizarre creature was released from the stasis pod she'd been left in so very long ago. With no real memory of who or what they were before being experimented on and with an intellect that borders on completely feral in nature she can be rather hard to comprehend. Most sightings of them are brief and fleeting, leaving her to become a bit of a unknown entity in the Coerthan region, whether as an object of worry or curiosity is left up to debate. So far they've mostly only stolen pretty garments left out on lines or other shiny objects that catch her attention before scurrying off to whatever hidey hole they call their roost. Small creatures beware, she may just come snatch you up as well, in time.

RP Information

Activity Level: fairly inactive alt, more a fun concept then anything, most RP done has typically been AUs over actual canon RP since some may find them to be a little too lore bendy (and that's ok!)
Pairs Best With: Honestly hard to say; they're a feral, nonsensical creature with a wild mind. They could get along with one type of person one day and then hate them the next simply due to any number of reasons. With that said, I'm happy to throw them at anyone and see what happens. It's a fun little gamble for everyone involved!
Types of RP Available For: Social RP, if you can call it that? Adventure type stuff, maybe. Monster lovers are more then welcome to try for romance, can't tell you how well it will or won't go. Darker themes are very much possible and welcome, though always best to be discussed OOCly first.



Shadowed Songbird

Name: Kerre Bellveil
Nicknames: Belle (stage name)
Age: Young Adult
Race: Midlander Hyur (Thavnarian) - vampire (not publicly known)
Profession: pianist and lounge singer, music composer, retired spy/assassin
Nameday: 25th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon (9/25)
Located: A small estate in the Empyreum
Gender: Female (she/her)
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Relationship Status: Single and wary of anything remotely serious

Height and Build: 5'2" - petite but more well toned then people often expect, somewhat heavy bust
Notable Features: Freckled head to toe, almost always dressed in dark clothing with dark makeup
Personality Notes: sharp, cunning, sultry, contemplative, musically gifted, reserved, rare to trust anyone but incredibly loyal once she has, cool tempered

A quiet hyuran lass who while able to dazzle upon a stage with a piano or microphone in front of her, tends to blend into the background off of it. Practiced smiles and polite conversation can be easily attained with her, but anyone looking to see deeper than that well made mask will likely have to put in some effort to get her to let her guard down. When not sheltering at home she is most likely found in the back of bars or lounges people watching or having a drink alone if not otherwise approached, rarely the type to initiate contact herself. Yet, she never turns it down when it is offered instead, as if a part of her perhaps yearns for connection more then she'll ever admit.

RP Information

Activity Level: fairly active alt, with various storylines going on and just a general desire from me to play her even more going forward
Pairs Best With: Himbos, for starters. She likes them big, pretty, and kinda dumb. Especially if it means they won't ask too many questions. Past that she does get along well with other musical types, and those who aren't going to pry too heavily into her life in general.
Types of RP Available For: Mostly Social based RP, romance (with very heavy chemistry and likely a lot of slowburn), casual dalliances, potential adventure or mystery type stuff being plotted for the future, dark themes are very possible if not highly likely when getting more deeply involved with her

Possible Hooks

  • You are a fan of music and likely to visit the type of places she performs at, perhaps even a fan of her music?

  • You are a fellow musician looking for someone to talk shop with, or perhaps help compose some music for you

  • You belong to some shady underground group that may know of the cartel she used to work for, perhaps she even did a job for you? Will you use this info for good or ill? (this option will require proper ooc discussion)

  • You're the type to approach wallflowers at venues and happen to catch her at one

  • You're from thavnair and remember an event many years ago where multiple young children went missing, one of which has an uncanny resemblance to a certain redhead

  • You sell hats and/or jewlery, especially statement pieces, as she is likely to purchase from you

  • (OOC discussion first) She is currently seeking one or two 'blood donors' as it were, people she can regularly feed from but not actually turn. She's running out of disposable ones, you see. If you have a char who would be a great choice for the role do feel free to apply.



Ancient Songbird of the Woods

Name: Sylvis Ymir
Nicknames: flower, songbird
Age: They are uncertain of the age at this point, but have been around a very, very long time.
Race: Veena Viera
Profession: travelling minstrel
Nameday: 14th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon (2/13)
Located: They are always travelling, so past campsites here and there they have no real home
Gender: non-binary (They/Them)
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Alignment: True Neutral
Relationship Status: Taken [Polyamorous Open Relationship]
Dating two people and quite content with them both

Height and Build: 6'5" - very slender
Notable Features: Always has many flowers strewn throughout their very long, wild hair, digitigrade feet (peets!)
Personality Notes: kind, compassionate, musical, friendly, easy going, wise

A kindhearted viera who loves to travel and meet new people. Nothing pleases them more then hearing a good story or learning something new from someone they meet. Skilled both in playing the lute and singing they are a delight for any to come across as they share their song with those around the world as they make their way across it.

RP Information

Activity Level: non-active alt, haven't RPed them in a long time and not sure if/when that may change, but I'm not against it if given a good reason
Pairs Best With: Anyone! They love meeting new people and hearing all sorts of stories or sharing theirs, no matter the type of person
Types of RP Available For: Social/friendly RP mostly, adventure type RP possible as well




Eorzea's Strongest Granny

Name: Gloria Medwyn
Nicknames: Grams
Age: Late 60s
Race: Highlander Hyur
Profession: Professional Woodworker
Nameday: 26th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon (6/25)
Located: Living with Cetah and her family in their house, sharing a room with her daughter, Jenevieve, she also has a small cabin in the woods she sometimes goes to when working on larger woodworking projects
Gender: Female (she/her)
Orientation: Biromantic Bisexual
Alignment: True Neutral
Relationship Status: Widow and not really looking to find anyone new

Height and Build: 6'2" - far more muscular than people expect someone of her age, stocky
Notable Features: face marking, scars on face and body
Personality Notes: affable, motherly, grandmotherly, not afraid to dish out tough love, protective

A kindhearted woman and skilled woodswoman who spends much of her free time working on woodworking commissions and helping to watch over a growing family she's adopted as her own. A retired gladiatrix and widower who has already seen all of her actual children raised and off into the world minus her youngest who current lives with her. She's just looking to spend her golden years peacefully, surrounded by love and helping however she can.

RP Information

Activity Level: fairly inactive alt, mostly a background char in scenes or used in mention for other chars. Typically one of the main babysitters for Cetah and her Wife when they need to offload their children with someone, really, lol.
Pairs Best With: She'll try and befriend just about anyone, really. Long as you aren't rude and you aren't a danger to anyone she cares about. Soon as you are one of those things, though...
Types of RP Available For: Social/friendly RP, business related RP, would love to find her some friends closer to her age! Romance is unlikely but not impossible with a slow burn



Grade A Grump

Name: Jenevieve Medwyn
Nicknames: Jene
Age: Young Adult
Race: Highlander Hyur
Profession: Retired Adventurer, Woodworker in Training
Nameday: 18th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon (10/18)
Located: Living with Cetah and her family in their house, sharing a room with her mother, Gloria
Gender: Trans Female (she/her)
Orientation: Biromantic Bisexual
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Relationship Status: Single

Height and Build: 6'1" - sturdy if not somewhat musucular
Notable Features: typically walks with a leg brace (even if not seen you can typically hear it), and if you see her right leg there is a large Lichtenberg scar going down the length of it
Personality Notes: grumpy, reserved, passive aggressive, self conscious, bitter, quick to anger, is a lot nicer then she looks or typiclaly will let on outwardly

She used to be an adventurer, then she took a levin bomb to the knee. Now she's a grumpy layabout who struggles to get the motivation to do anything with her life. Some days are easier then others, but for the most part she's just angry at a lot of things and is still working to find the right outlets to sort through it all. Those who do manage to get past that rough exterior will find a much kinder soul buried inside, and watching her with her adoptive nieces and nephews you may see a completely different side of her all together (except no you didn't and she'll refuse to believe it if you say so.)

RP Information

Activity Level: semi-active alt, don't bring her out too often but honestly would love to see her get some more attention in the future
Pairs Best With: patient people, generally. kind and gentle types are good, though super excitable and friendly types aren't bad either. She'll still grump at you no matter who you are, but those willing to stick around and see past that might just find out she's not nearly as bad as she let's herself seem
Types of RP Available For: Friendly/social RP, mostly.

Possible Hooks

  • You used to be a part of her adventuring team she used to work with before her injury and wanna check in on her and see how she's doing

  • You want to have some woodworking done, but her mother is unavailable to do it so you get Jene instead. She can handle it, really!

  • You have a thing for grumpy redheads and just can't help yourself from going to say hi to her

  • More to come, maybe?



Pretty Gal Attack Unit

Name: Minerva Atticus
Nicknames: Mina
Age: Mature Adult
Race: Pureblooded Garlean
Profession: Recently retired from military service and currently unemployed
Nameday: 14th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon (10/14)
Located: A fairly sizeable estate in the outskirts of Garlemald that she and her twin cousins, Emile and Amelia, built up together
Gender: Female (she/her)
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual with a female lean
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Relationship Status: Single

Height and Build: 5'6" - very sturdy, plump booty
Notable Features: Just like, the most fabulous nails ever, also usually made up nice and pretty
Personality Notes: friendly, combative (loves to spar!), eager, energetic, loyal, protective, cuddly

Long ago a little girl dreamed of growing up to be a beauty queen...then she grew up and became a Garlean attack dog, instead. Known for her ferocity on the battlefield with her gunhammer clutched tightly in her hands she was a force to be reckoned with during her tenure with the army. Now freed of her service she finds herself living with her twin cousins Emile and Amelia while figuring out what this newest chapter of her life is going to look like. So far she's refound her love and makeup and doing nails, perhaps that will lead to something more? Don't let her love of looking pretty fool you, though, she's still always down for a good scrap any day of the week.

RP Information

Activity Level: fairly inactive alt, though one I'd honestly love to change that for if the chance arises
Pairs Best With: cute and adorable people that would let her snuggle them, as well as stronger types who love a good spar, she also is getting more involved in the makeup and nails world so anyone involved in those sorts of things are of interest to her as well. Past that, she's typically friendly with just about anyone.
Types of RP Available For: Social/Friendly RP, romance (with chemistry), and combative/sparring RP



She of the Sweetest Grin

Name: Mirabelle Fernlily (not her 'true' name, but one she gives people)
Nicknames: Mira
Age: Unknown, appears young adult physically, is likely far older
Race: Faerie (Fawn)
Profession: Runs a flower shop as well as helps run a few island farms for various clients
Nameday: It will change every time you ask her
Located: A floral glade she grew into the basement of the flower shop that she runs in the Mist
Gender: Genderfluid but presents as Female (she/her)
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual with a heavy lean towards males
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Relationship Status: Dating at least one person but seems quite willing to mingle with more

Height and Build: 5'3" - slender with some curvage
Notable Features: Hooved feet and furry legs, fawns patches on hips/shoulders along with full body freckles and white floral tattoos, long tapered ears and white horns with blooms on them
Personality Notes: cheeky, friendly, whimsical, nonsensical, clever, mischievous, playful, vengeful

Sugary sweet on the outside with a whole lot of spice hidden underneath. She is a creature who revels in keeping up some level of mystery at all times, fabricating so very many details about herself that one might wonder if she even remembers which of the many stories she tells is truly the real one, if any. Regardless of that, though, most who meet her will find her friendly and sweet, always happy to meet someone new and as long as they stay on her good side it's rare to see the other side of her that she keeps hidden so well under all those crafted tales. She is the mother of Fable

RP Information

Activity Level: fairly active alt with multiple people I RP her with, but am always happy to throw her at new people!
Pairs Best With: People who are a bit more on the naive or oblivious side, those who will pamper her and shower her with attention, generally just anyone who will not bore her or upset her, also anyone who likes flowers she tends to enjoy chatting with as well
Types of RP Available For: Mostly social based. Friendship, romance, casual encounters, business connections. She's open to exploration and adventure as well. Darker themes are possible with discussion first.

Possible Hooks

  • You are looking to buy flowers! Probably the easiest hook there is for someone who runs a flower shop, haha. She takes small orders, big orders (give her time in advance, of course), and grows them all herself!

  • You are having some trouble with raising plants yourself and are looking to get some advice. She does offer lessons at fairly reasonable prices, though be warned she may not be the most patient of teachers

  • You live in the area around or in the Mist, chances are you may run into her! She also is often around the Morabay Drydocks area due to her work out on the islands for some of her clients. Similarly, if you happen to find yourself landing on shore of one of said islands she works at you may find yourself being chased off by her if you aren't meant to be there.

  • You've heard of the cute hooved lady who works at a flower shop in the Mist and are curious to meet her yourself; not every day you hear about such features, after all!

  • You're down on your luck and hoping to find some way to save yourself from a bad situation and happen to run across Mirabelle. While she isn't necessarily big in the whole making deals part of being a fae, it still can happen if you have something interesting enough for her to want to make a deal for

  • You're an adventurer type looking for work. Occasionally she hires people to help track down rare ingredients, do long distance deliveries, or other such things, so perhaps you could be the next one she employs?

  • You frequent cute cafes and venues regularly you may end up meeting her at one as she does quite enjoy spending some of her free time at such places



The Reclusive Count

Name: Lord Mordecai de Gwaed-Rosyn
Nicknames: Cai, Lord, Count
Age: Appears mature adult physically, but is far older
Race: Ishgardian Elezen - Vampire (not publicly known)
Profession: Head of a noble house (Count)
Nameday: 23rd Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon (10/23)
Located: A sizeable estate located deep in a forest
Gender: Male (he/him)
Orientation: Biromantic Bisexual with an extremely heavy lean towards masculine types
Alignment: True Neutral
Relationship Status: Is rather sweet on/serious with one man and a few close bonds with others that aren't necessarily romantic, likely would be hard to catch his attention otherwise at this time

Height and Build: 6'9" - incredibly lanky
Notable Features: very vivid red hair, strikingly blue eyes, very pale skin
Personality Notes: quiet, thoughtful, forlorn, reclusive, gentle but not meek, firm when needed, generous, small penchant for being possessive at times

They say the current Count of House Gwaed-Rosyn looks eerily similar to his great great grandfather, Cain, though rare few really get to see the reclusive man's face as he keeps to himself deep in his forest estate that his house moved themselves to generations past. A fact that has been slowly changing of late as he has started to visit Ishgard on more occasions then he may have in the past. Though if his visits are related to any important tasks or just the mere amblings of a man missing the home of his supposed ancestry is anyone's guess. He is also a well known purveyor of the arts and as such galleries, book signings, theatrical shows, and similar such venues all being common places for him to send up showing himself.

RP Information

Activity Level: somewhat active alt, involved in various other player char's storylines, always open to interacting with new characters
Pairs Best With: artistic/creative types, those who are down on their luck and/or are in need of someone to help them in general in some way
Types of RP Available For: Mostly social-based RP. Friendship, romance (with chemistry), as well as possible new additions to his coven/noble house and the like.

Possible Hooks

  • You are a creative type of some sort, whether it be an artist, novelist, musician, actor, etc. He's very fond of anything involving the arts and often is looking for those to sponsor or at least express his enjoyment of

  • You are a member of another older/powerful Ishgardian noble house that would know of the once more illustrious house Gwaed-Rosyn. Perhaps you are interested to seek out its current head to learn more of what transpired to bring it to the reclusive state it's in now?

  • Alternatively, but similar to the above, you seek them out because you have doubts about their legitimacy or other such theories about the truth of its current head that you would like to see are true or not. Or anything else along those lines, I'm open to brainstorming!

  • You live in Ishgard and may happen across him on one of his occasional outings that way

  • You are the type to explore and go on adventures a lot and find yourselves lost in a deep forest one day...perhaps you've gotten injured somehow and end up finding yourself brought to a mysterious estate... whatever may be your fate from there?

  • You're a vampire/supernatural hunter of some sort and somehow caught wind of vampiric activity in the area near his estate and have gone to investigate it.



Blind Lady of Rage

Name: Sindrell Mistleaf
Nicknames: Sin
Age: Mature Adult
Race: Viera//Miqo'te hybrid (Cabbit!)
Profession: Mercenary
Nameday: 13th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon (9/12)
Located: No permanent residence at this point, somewhat of an inn surfer and camp where she stops kinda type
Gender: Female (she/her)
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Relationship Status: Single

Height and Build: 6'3" - very powerful/muscular
Notable Features: bunny ears, long fluffy feline tail, pale blank looking eyes
Personality Notes: rough, crass, rude, distant, combative, aggresive if not violent, prideful

A blind woman who hardly lets that stop her from kicking ass and not bothering to take names. Little is really known about the woman due to her being tight lipped about herself and prone to fighting with anyone who tries to pry into it, but when it comes to her job she's damn good at it. That said, if it isn't about work and you don't have something interesting enough to catch her attention she'll turn ice cold on you real quick, not having much patience for a lot of things.

RP Information

Activity Level: She's my main from Wildstar that I've remade in FF mostly out of nostalgia more than anything. I've yet to RP her and am unsure if/when that may change, specially since she's such an abrasive person, but, hey, if you wanna shoot your shot I encourage it!
Pairs Best With: Very patient people who won't be deterred by her rough, icy exterior, but aren't too overly chipper or excitable lest they want to actually piss her off more. Also, other gruff straight talking combative types may at least find some slight acceptance from her
Types of RP Available For: social RP (if you really wanna put yourself through that...), combative type RP, perhaps someone to hire her for merc work



Vainglorious Delight

Name: Kiela Kadin (also known as Kenodaxia, Voidsent of Vainglory)
Nicknames: Kiki
Age: Unknown, appears mature adult physically
Race: Voidsent that's taken on a femme vieran form as their default
Profession: Works for and has been summoned by Yolaine to do whatever she bids
Nameday: Unknown
Located: Wherever Yolaine is, Kiela is as well
Gender: Genderfluid (any pronouns)
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Relationship Status: Single

Height and Build: 6'3" - curvy and soft, though can change height/build at will
Notable Features: tall curvy black horns with a purple shimmer, black sclera, often has some sort of heart-like shape glowing in her irises (all features could change at will)
Personality Notes: vain, greedy, obsessive, playful, energetic, mischevious, cruel

One of seven voidsent that work for Yolaine. Kiela, the voidsent of vainglory, loves and thrives off of attention and is quite good at garnering it for themselves. They're often tasked with getting intel or 'persuading' people to do something or give them something, though it's far from rare that they just play with someone just cause they're bored or hungry.

RP Information

Activity Level: Very inactive alt, mostly only brought out by request or for storylines involving Yolaine
Pairs Best With: Due to Kiela's nature they can change their form to be anything the person they interact with would enjoy, so in essence they can get along with anyone if they change themselves to suit them
Types of RP Available For: Mostly dark themes, that said I am not looking to have them killed off so if you are interested in them playing a villain keep that in mind



She Who Giggles in the Dark

Name: Malasatra Zauvin (not real name, but the one assigned to her by the one who summoned her)
Nicknames: Mala, Hound
Age: Unknown, appears young adult physically
Race: Void hound
Profession: Was summoned by Yolaine to be her void avatar
Nameday: Unknown
Located: Has her own space in the void she goes to when she's not being called upon by Yolaine
Gender: Genderfluid (prefers she/her pronouns)
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Relationship Status: Single

Height and Build: 6'0" - petite but with long legs and giant pawed feet
Notable Features: furred legs, huge and long fluffy tail, tall thin canine ears, two sets of horns, dark pink skin with black markings all over body, black sclera
Personality Notes: wicked, mischievous, playful, vengeful, nonsensical, aggressive, arrogant

A terrifying gremlin of a creature who loves to cause chaos. Playful to a fault and often quite cruel specially when she's in predator with prey mode. She and the woman she serves don't always see eye to eye and she quite delights in driving the void witch crazy since she knows the woman can't do much about it since she won't give up the power that Mala provides her.

RP Information

Activity Level: not very active, mostly only comes out in RP involving Yolaine
Pairs Best With: Everyone and nobody, really. Depends on if you want a nuisance on your hands or not.
Types of RP Available For: Mostly dark themes, open for her to be a villain to a plot, but perma-death is not welcomed



Seeker of all things Supernatural

Name: Aspen Marchello
Nicknames: Asps
Age: Young Adult
Race: Midlander Hyur
Profession: Originally was a paranormal vlogger back on Earth, now she's a confused adventurer getting used to her new life on Eorzea
Nameday: 20th Sun of Fifth Umbral Moon (10/20)
Located: No home of current, just kinda roughing it out in woods or scrounging up the gil to stay at inns here and there
Gender: Female (she/her)
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Relationship Status: Single

Height and Build: 5'2" - curvy but soft
Notable Features: A wholllle lot of pink curly hair, freckled head to toe, vividly teal eyes
Personality Notes: perky, energetic, confident, oblivious, excitable, selfish, playful, mischevious

A fearless if a bit dense girl who loves to see new things and exploring, which probably is what ended up causing her to fall through the wormhole that brought her to Eorzea! She's excited by all the new things there are to see and experience though she misses her old life of being a social media influencer and popular supernatural vlogger, having nothing comparable to try and aim for in this new world. That won't stop her from trying to find her way otherwise!

RP Information

Activity Level: She's mostly just a fun concept char I had plans for originally that fell through, but I still love the idea of the isekai concept and want to bring her out of being shelved if the right possible chars/storylines are presented!
Pairs Best With: Monster/supernatural types! She can't get enough of all things out of the ordinary and now that she's here from Earth there's just so many of them EVERYWHERE. So really, probably most people if they have at least something interesting about them for her to latch onto
Types of RP Available For: social/friendly RP, romance (with chemistry) - if I am being perfectly honestly I VERY MUCH want to find a monster romance for her, adventure and such also a good yes


Someday I will find the right hair for her, haha. If you know of any good ones that would fit the art below lemme know!!!


All the above art is technically from her original universe before she was isekaid into FF, but since it's technically the same character I figured it'd be fun to share them here anyway!


Huntress Supreme

Name: Rosa the Huntress
Code Name: Harper
Age: Mature Adult
Race: Xbr’aal (Turali Hrothgar)
Profession: Leader of a Monster Hunter's Guild and all around adventurer/merc/arms for hire type
Nameday: 22nd Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon (5/22)
Located: If she's not camping out somewhere then she's just passing out on one of the couches in the guild's lodge
Gender: Female (she/her)
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Alignment: Neutral Good
Relationship Status: Single

Height and Build: 6'5" - very muscular
Notable Features: black and pink markings on brown fur, blue/pink/purple multi-tonal eyes
Personality Notes: brave, steadfast, wise, commanding, clever, combative, stern

Big, beautiful, strong, and a long way from home. Turali born Rosa came all the way over to Eorzea to open up her own Monster Hunter's guild, wanting to try hunting in a new environment and perhaps help some Eorzeans learn how to properly hunt along the way. She's a big fan of making all sorts of neat and crazy devices to help in the hunt and is skilled in multiple styles of combat. A force to be reckoned with and someone you definitely want on your good side. Watch out beasties of Eorzea, she's coming for you!

RP Information

Activity Level: New character that I haven't really RPed with and has so far only been somewhat of a NPC of sorts for other characters stories, but hopefully I will find myself using her more in the future!
Pairs Best With: People who want monster hunting work, those who like to spar, people who are a bit rough and tumble but otherwise good people
Types of RP Available For: combative, sparring, adventure, happy to DM a monster hunt/mission type RP, social stuff also possible as is romance with chemistry but definitely not the focus for this char



The Covetous Merchant

Name: Gaston Bellamy
Nicknames: Gast, Charm (only in certain groups, not publicly known)
Age: Mature Adult
Race: Ishgardian Elezen
Profession: Heir of a wealthy merchant house
Nameday: 30th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon (7/29)
Located: While his family has a sizeable estate in Ishgard, he's typically more often found in his personal apartment in the Empyreum
Gender: Male (he/him)
Orientation: Biromantic Bisexual
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Relationship Status: Single

Height and Build: 6'7" - very slender
Notable Features: If you asked him he'd say everything about him is notable, but in all realty he's kinda average looking with little special to note
Personality Notes: cocky, confident, prideful, selfish, greedy, flirty, dishonest, steadfast when it comes to things he deems correct, stubborn, dubious loyalty even when close to someone

The only son of the Bellamy house has never been happy with his lot in life. If you ask him, he deserves better, should be higher in status then he is. The Bellamy's, being a distant offshoot for the Lovelace Viscountcy, are just far enough removed to not have a noble title themselves. While most of his family have accepted that lot, Gaston is determined to find a way to someday change that. He bitterly looked upon the current heirs to Lovelace (Including the lovely Lady Celeste) and felt it unfair that adopted children will someday lead the house, especially ones that are not even Ishgardian born! All that said he currently bides his time, growing up his family's wealth and fame where he can, forever plotting ways to better his own lot in life... the question is how much of a cost is he willing to pay for it.

RP Information

Activity Level: New Alt that I'm excited to be an annoying menace on
Pairs Best With: probably no one, tbh. and that's by design. Please bully him if you wish, he's meant to be an annoying cocky brat, lol
Types of RP Available For: social RP, business related RP, dark themes certainly welcomed but to be discussed, unlikely to accept using him as a villain in any storylines though without a really good hook since he's not necessarily that type of evil

Possible Hooks

  • If you have heard of or are a part of The Order of Saint Gabineaux you may get the chance to meet him, who knows. ((keep in mind this Order is a secret society and not something publicly known))

  • Similiar to the above as far as not being public knowledge, you are from the darker parts of society and have learned about Gaston's interesting collection of old artifacts, tomes, relics, and his budding skills in curses, alchemy, and witchcraft and would like to strike some sort of deal

  • You are someone down on their luck and looking for a money lender

  • You are a tradesmen or craftsmen of some sort and looking for a new merchant house to trade with

  • You are someone wanting to learn better business acumen and can afford the absurd prices he charges for his business lessons

  • You are Ishgardian nobility, chances are he'll try to schmooze up to you if he can. Especially if you are of marriageable age.

  • Similar to above, you are a marriage candidate from a noble house that's low on its luck financially and would find a union with a very wealthy merchant house beneficial enough to you that their lack of nobility wouldn't stop things



Baker Catte

Name: Anatalya Maevsch
Nicknames: Ana
Age: Mature Adult
Race: The Lost Hrothgar
Profession: Owner of a Small Cafe/Bakery
Nameday: 32nd Sun of the 5th Astral Moon (9/30)
Located: Small back room area in the downstairs of her shop
Gender: Female (she/her or they/them)
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Alignment: Neutral Good
Relationship Status: Single

Height and Build: 6'7" - plump and soft
Notable Features: incredibly large fluffy tail, soft pastel coloring
Personality Notes: sweet, kind, motherly, friendly, calm, considerate, forgiving, bit of a doormat

Ana spent much of her younger years travelling all over Eorzea with her family who were all quite proud of their nomadic lifestyle as members of the Lost. She found the places she enjoyed the most were those filled with people and good food, specially baked goods. Always learning little things here and there over the years from bakeries, cafes, and restaurants she'd visit and even sometimes work at for a few days when staying in the area. Once she came of age to go off on her own she decided instead of keeping to a nomadic lifestyle she would settle down somewhere and open up her own cafe to share her love of good food and company with others. It was a long road of working every job she could get to save up the funds but she's finally got the deed to a nice little place in the Lav Beds to make into her future Cafe. Will you visit once it's opened? Oh do say you will, she's so excited to meet you.

RP Information

Activity Level: Newer character that I haven't had a chance to really write yet, once I finally design her bakery in game I would love to try and get some RP on her, though!
Pairs Best With: I'd like to say most people, due to her sweet and calm personality even rougher types may feel more at peace around her, but I guess we'll see once I actually get her out there
Types of RP Available For: Mostly social and business related, as well as possible romance with chemistry, though more likely she'll just cuddle a lot of people the cuddlebug she is



Golden Boy

Name: Rhapsody Rarity
Nicknames: Rhap
Age: Young Adult
Race: Rava Viera
Profession: Manager at The Fury's Flask, skilled bartender, and adventurer
Nameday: 26th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon (11/25)
Located: Personal room in the back of the Flask
Gender: Male (he/him)
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Relationship Status: Single-ish? He's got a couple people he's real heavy sweet on and a few others he's flirting with, but he's always open and willing to mingle further

Height and Build: 6'4" - muscular especially in the upper body/arms, but still slender in some ways
Notable Features: face markings, extensive tattoos on his arms and torso, piercings in his ears, on his tongue, nips, lower abs, and ...elsewhere, mechanical eyes (not super obvious until you look close)
Personality Notes: friendly, upbeat, comedic at times, occasionally dramatic, emotional, sweet, flirty, easy going, very vain about his looks, somewhat humble when it comes to his talents/skills

Rhap and his twin sister were found abandoned by the lalafel ringleaders of a travelling circus going through the area at the time. As such, the buns were raised by that circus as it travelled around Eorzea (and occasionally further out). Rhap would eventually grow up to become a trapeze artist and acrobat and quite enjoyed that life, until some misfortune struck that caused him to have to give it up for his safety. Fast forward to more recent years he's since left the circus and went off on his own to live the life of an adventurer and barkeep. Taken in by the owner of the Fury's Flask when she found out he was living inn room to inn room he now has a place to call home and a job that he enjoys. In his free time he enjoys working on pottery or trying new things and he's always off and about seeing new places and making new friends. Will you be the next he meets?

RP Information

Activity Level: Newer character but also an incredibly active one ever since he was made, very much one of my current obsession muses and one I love to write every chance I get
Pairs Best With: Friendly people, those who know how to have a good time, those who like a good drink, and generally most people as long as you aren't outright rude to him, really. He's pretty easy-going even with the rough n tough types if it's obviously not directed specifically at him
Types of RP Available For: Social, adventure, romance (with chemistry), could be talked into one-shot barkeeping gigs if reached out to, but not looking to work full time at any other venues at this time

Possible Hooks

  • If you ever visit the Fury's Flask you're likely to meet him, often found behind the bar during working hours but he'll often wander about during slow moments to chat people up

  • Similarly, if you're the type to visit bars, cafes, or clubs there's a chance to run into this bun who is always trying out new places and coming back to ones he enjoyed

  • You are someone from the circus he grew up in and just wanna check in on your old pal Rhap! Or maybe you saw one of his shows back in the day and recognize him?

  • You're looking to hire someone for adventurer work. Monster got you down? Special delivery need done? Ruins need delved? Rhap's your man!

  • You're looking for someone to sling drinks for an event, while Rhap isn't looking for any long-term work as he's happy at the Flask, he's happy to take on the occasional odd barkeeping job!

  • You live in Ishgard and happen to run across him while he's out and about doing whatever the easily bored bun tends to get up to



Deals and Deathly Blooms

Name: Fable Briarbush (not 'true' name but one they give people)
Nicknames: Whatever you want to call them~
Age: Looks very young, but is probably way older
Race: Dark Fae
Profession: Professional 'Deal Maker' and Menace to Society
Nameday: Unknown, or at least they won't ever tell you
Located: Creepy old estate located.... somewhere (it changes locations from time to time ICly, but in-game location is in the Empyreum)
Gender: Genderfluid/Non-Binary (they/them)
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Relationship Status: Single

Height and Build: 6'3" - incredibly petite and slender, unless they decide to present otherwise
Notable Features: Heterochromia eyes (green and brown), white freckled cheeks, curly white horns, large black translucent wings, very potent voidal/necrotic aether for those who can sense it
Personality Notes: cruel, mischievous, petty, conniving, selfish, vengeful, playful, clever, quick-witted

This necromancer of a fae is very much the type of fae you've always been warned about. To make a deal with them is to give away something you may realize you never wished to part with in the first place, but perhaps the cost is worth the prize if you bargain well enough. They are a trickster who is rarely tricked and cruel to a fault, loving to play with their prey and bring out the worst outcomes to those who are not wise enough when dealing with them. Rare to be close to anyone lest they've made them their pet, and even then their love can be quite fickle, showering them in affection one moment and punishing them for barely a reason the next. Be careful the next time you find yourself off the beaten path, for you never know when you may run into one of their pets, or the fae themself.

RP Information

Activity Level: semi-active alt and one I hope to find more uses for in the future
Pairs Best With: people they can manipulate or use in some way, undead creatures they can befriend or control, people who are looking to have wishes granted (probably shouldn't go to them for it though...)
Types of RP Available For: Social, adventure, casual dalliances, romance unlikely but hey if it happens it happens, very dark themes more then likely and highly encouraged! Want a villain for your story? Happy to let them be it! Just know perma-death isn't an option but can get pretty darn close with them as they have plenty of backup options in case of such

Possible Hooks

  • You are friends (or more) with their mother, Mirabelle. Chances are you may get a visit from them eventually once they learn of your presence. Better be on your best behavior!

  • You are someone desperate in need of something that you can't get through normal means and are willing to go to any length to make it happen, even making deals with a near literal devil.

  • You've heard about an odd uptick of undead creatures in the area near their estate and are going in to investigate

  • You're a fellow fae creature and are drawn to their energy out of curiousity

  • You are an undead or supernatural creature of some sort who may be a bit more susceptible to being controlled by a being more powerful then you, or are just looking for some form of master to begin with. They already have a pet mothman, dullahan, and werewolf, why not some more?

  • You're an explorer who's unluckily came across their estate and now must find a way to escape the area, hopefully alive and intact...



The Lilac Devil: Wanted Dead or Alive

Name: Katherine Aubrey
Nicknames: Kat (typically introduces herself by this), Lilac Devil (outlaw name)
Age: early 40s
Race: Shaaloni Elezen
Profession: Outlaw and Mercenary, Tek Engineer and weaponsmith
Nameday: 9th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon (6/8)
Located: Her Airship which could be just about anywhere, really
Gender: Female (she/her)
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual with a heavy female lean and general distrust of men
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Relationship Status: Single

Height and Build: 6'5" - well toned, athletic build
Notable Features: Lilac eyes, freckled face and body, verrrry long hair usually kept in braids
Personality Notes: quirky, quick-witted, sarcastic, bold, confident, prideful, strong personal moral code, steadfast to her beliefs

Beat up enough corrupt cops, bastard sons of public officials, and general jerks with more power then brains and you find yourself a target in the end, despite all the good you've done. At least that's been Kat's experience in life thus far. Once lauded as a person of the peace in Shaaloni she is now one of the sherif's most wanted, with multiple counts of injustice pinned to her that she did not commit. Instead of letting herself be caught or being kept down by the man she decided it was her sign to get out into the larger world, packed up her meager belongings and set off into the world on her trusty, rusty old airship. These days she's just making her way around Eorzea checking out the sights and dishing out her personal brand of justice wherever she goes.

RP Information

Activity Level: Newer alt I haven't had much chance to play yet but I love the concept of her and can't wait to write her more
Pairs Best With: People who drink the "respect women" juice, those with senses of justice that align with her own [I.E. no corrupt cops, yo],
Types of RP Available For: Social, adventure, casual dalliances, romance (with chemistry), combat/sparring RP, antagonistic RP (she's a bit of a man hater, got a male char that's kind of a jerk or worse throw them at her! Also very much a robin hood type of char so anyone corrupt is totally her kinda target!)

Possible Hooks

  • You are an engineer that specializes in airships. While she's great with weaponry there is some things she needs help with trying to get her old girl in tip top shape, perhaps you can help her?

  • You frequent run-down bars and taverns that she may end up frequently. Maybe if you're lucky you'll get to see her beat up some jerk causing trouble!

  • You're looking for someone to take on mercenary work, she sure loves beating up crooks and bandits and the like causing trouble for the common folk, let her do it for you!

  • You're a pretty lass (or lad, really) being accosted by some creep, if you're lucky she'll catch it and come dish out some beatings in your honor

  • You work for a cafe, food stall, resturant, etc. She does love sampling all sorts of cusine and is constantly trying out new places, so you may meet her trying out stuff at yours!

  • You are from Shaaloni yourself and have been tracking her down for her outstanding bounty


Possible Dawntrail
Spoilers Ahead


Heavy Metal Mav

Name: Maverick Martingale
Nickname: Mav
Age: 60s, but due to a few resets he looks more late 40s-early 50s
Race: Half Hyune/Half Eldite (Alexandrian)
Profession: Recently retired Tower Fighter, owns and runs a small candy and snacks shop
Nameday: Highly unlikely he'll tell you if you ask, if he even remembers what it is
Located: Has an apartment in Solution 9
Gender: Male (he/him)
Orientation: Panromantic Graysexual
Alignment: True Neutral
Relationship Status: Single

Height and Build: 6'8" - very muscular
Notable Features: Heterochromia eyes (brass and platinum), slightly tapered ears, scarred face and body, weakened aether (for those able to sense it)
Personality Notes: broody, contemplative, kinder then he looks, protective, combative, hard-working

Born of a hyune mother and a vagabond of an eldite father, Mav always felt fairly ostracized in his home village growing up. He only had one close friend who stood at his side through those years, and once they both came of age they would move to the place that would eventaully become Solution 9 in the future. This is where Mav took on his name, Maverick, and his friend the name Journey, both meant to signify their separation from their pasts. They opened up a little candy stall (that eventually became a little shop) though that had alwasy been more Journey's thing. When Journey fell ill with the levin sickness Mav started to take up fighting in the Arcadion to try and make extra money to pay for the growing medical costs. In the end he lost Journey, and so much of himself over those years of feral soul usage that he's far from the same person today as he was when he started. Living a shadow of a life trying to pick up the pieces while refusing to take another foot in the ring until the whole practice of feral soul usage is done away with.

RP Information

Activity Level: newer alt that I'm super excited to do more with
Pairs Best With: Unsure at this time, though I'd like to say most types, as long as they aren't overtly in his face or super excitable and optimistic around him. calmer and more patient types probably will work better.
Types of RP Available For: Social/Friendly RP, anything related to S9 RP, combative/sparring RP, mission/adventurer work, darker themes welcome but should be discussed

Possible Hooks

  • You're a fan of The Arcadion and have seen his fights in the past as "Heavy Metal Mav". Are you a still a fan? Mad at him for giving it up and retiring? How do you react meeting him in person?

  • Similiarly, you were or still are a fighter in the Arcadion and either fought him in the past or perhaps always wanted to and are disappointed you lost your chance! Maybe you can talk him into a spar now? No feral souls allowed!

  • You are a fellow Solution 9 Resident. Chances are you'll have ran across him at some point over the years. If you want to discuss previous connections feel free to let me know!

  • You like candy and are a customer of the shop he runs! (Martingale's Snacks)

  • You're from Alexandria originally like him, and perhaps know him from his original village. Chances are he may not be too happy to interact though.



The One You Were Warned About

Name: Kanreux (last name pending...)
Nicknames: Kanrey
Age: Far older then he looks, which is mid-late 40s physically
Race: Ishgardian Elezen - Vampire (not publicly known)
Profession: Underground Goods Dealer and other various things
Nameday: Unknown
Located: Somewhere in Ishgard, good luck finding out
Gender: Male (he/him)
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual with no lean
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Relationship Status: Single

Height and Build: 6'9" - slender but toned
Notable Features: red eyes, pale skin
Personality Notes: cruel, decisive, secretive, prideful, vain, deceitful, clever, wicked, malicious, violent, commanding

Not a lot is known about the shadowy presence that is Kanreux, and he puts a good bit of work into making it stay that way. If you know about him it's quite possibly too late for you. What public image he does show is usually that of a nobleman from a house that most likely haven't heard of, but you can't help but believe is legit because of the way he carries himself. Poised, refined, attractive, the type to wine and dine you (and then probably dine on you) before disappearing from your life entirely. Typically not without taking something from you in exchange.

RP Information

Activity Level: Not very active, mostly here as a foil for other characters storylines. Due to the level of dark storylines that can happen with him I tend to be very cautious about who I write him with, so please do not take offense if I turn down any requests for him if I do not know you well enough. I just don't want to risk making anyone uncomfortable with such dark themes.
Pairs Best With: Anyone he wants to, really. It doesn't matter who you are, just what he wants, after all. (he's terrible I'm sorry) - that said of course only with complete OOC consent. He is not a good man, and no hard feelings will be given if you stay far far away (probably should, really)
Types of RP Available For: Mainly dark themes and a whole lot of OOC discussion beforehand about comfort levels and all that. He is not meant for light hearted RP. If you need an especially nasty villain character I'm more then happy to bring him around (but am not open to perma-deathing him).



Types of RP Looking For

This depends greatly on the character being played. Generally I am open to just about any type of RP from cute and fluffy to hard and angsty and everything in between. So if you aren't sure which of my chars might fit a theme you want to possibly bring up to me just ask and I am happy to plot possibilities with you if any of my chars would be a fit!Each of the character's pages has a section that explains what I'm most likely looking for them as well, so you can get a better idea of what chars may or may not fit what you're interested in yourself.

Contact Info

  • In-Game: While I do spend a lot of my time on my main, Cetah, it's typically not best to try and contact me there as I also regularly am on other chars too for any plans I may have otherwise. If you do happen to catch me on her or any of the others though you're welcome to say hi, just be sure to say how you know me so I don't get spooked!

  • Discord: ariaAnomaly (please state how you found me if you've not messaged me before!)

  • Other: I'm not really active on any social medias. While I have various accounts across the many options out there (if you see an 'ariaAnomaly', 'Prismakry', or 'Prismativity' somewhere, it's probably one of my old accounts), I've kinda burnt out on keeping up with any of them, so in the end, discord really is your best option.


  • Time Zone: Eastern US (EST)

  • Active Hours: evenings Sat-Wed, any time of day Thurs-Fri

  • Preferred place to RP: Primarily in-game as it's easier to keep focused on the RP. Willing to do discord for continuations or if in-game availability is hard to find, but I can be very bad about keeping up with them.

OOC/RP Guidelines

  • As a 35+ year old RPer, I prefer my partners to be at least 20+. Even if the RP never goes to any sort of adult theme I just am not comfortable RPing with people under that age. If anything, 30+ is even more preferable.

  • I have a fulltime job as well as a slew of health issues so my time can sometimes be limited (and the health issues can sometimes end up with me needing to reschedule things, but I try not to any more then I have to), so please keep that in mind and do not take personal offense if it may take some time for me to get back to you or to make plans sometimes.

  • Avoid metagaming at all, please. All information in these profiles are meant for OOC purposes only, and not to be used IC unless your character would know it. Also, know that any level of toxic behaviour will not be tolerated and I reserve the right to cut off any RP/Ship/etc if I'm ever made to feel unsafe or uncomfortable.

  • My RP style is typically 1-5 paragraphs a post, while I do tend to try and somewhat match length, sometimes I may end up going under or over depending on what all I need to depict in a post. All I ever expect from a partner is that they give me something to respond to, whether that takes only a few sentences or many paragraphs to convey.

  • I am comfortable with darker themes (violence, sex, drugs, etc) and am just fine RPing them out as long as they make sense to the story being told between our characters. Any particular heavy themes I would prefer to discuss OOCly first before anything happens ICly.

  • I am fairly lore-abiding, but as long as what you play isn't so completely out of the realm of possibility I'll probably not say much about it. Some of my chars are more bendy then others, I will not take offense if you decided not to RP with them if you think they bend too much, just be respectful about it is all I ask.

  • OOC and IC are not the same, nor should they ever be treated as such. Anything my character says or does will not always reflect me as the player. I ask that all that I RP with keep this in mind and know how to keep the two separate! No drama please, I'm just here to play barbies with friends and have a good time, yeah?

  • I enjoy all types of RP. Combat, adventure/exploration, bar crawls, casual chatter, romantic, friendly, whatever. I like to see my characters thrive in all walks of their life and enjoy playing out just about anything there is to be played out. If you're looking for a particular type of RP don't hesitate to ask and let's see if we can't make something happen!

  • Please note, that while I enjoy romantic RP and am not opposed to sexual RP I am not looking to live vicariously through my characters. I am not interested in dating you nor am I wanting to cyber with you, no matter what our characters themselves may be getting up to.

  • I am friendly to NPC players, so if you RP an NPC and would be interested in my chars interacting feel free to reach out!