aria OOC


This site is an OOC hub for the FFXIV Player ariaAnomaly. I am a friendly, 30+ year old non-binary person with many years of experience under my belt who is just here to have a good time roleplaying and making friends.Click on the faces below to learn more about my various characters!

Active Characters

The following are the characters I'm actually actively seeking RP for in some way. Either because I haven't gotten to RP them much or they are new and I'm feeling them out, or just because they're my favorites to RP in general. If they are in this section I am happy to RP them, any of them, for the most part anytime.

Background Characters

The following are characters I'm not really looking to RP at this time, but are still chars I have in game and my interest in writing them could change. Mostly they're just background characters, chars that used to be active but not so much lately, or chars I really only RP with specific people/situations.A good enough hook offering may get me to bring them out for you, though!

Some profiles are fairly bare bones at the moment, feel free to ask about any OCs you'd like to know more about!


Sweetness Incarnate

Name: Cetah
Nicknames: Kitten, lil' flower, Lemoncake, petite fae
Age: Young Adult
Race: Faerie who typically appears as a Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te. She is a shape shifter, so sometimes can be seen as other races but she deems her miqo form as her most 'true' form and usually sticks to it.
Profession: Tailor/Fashion Designer, Candle/Incense Maker
Nameday: 30th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon (12/30)
Gender: Technically genderfluid, but prefers to keep to a feminine form and she/her pronouns.
Even in masculine form she'd prefer they/them or she/her over he/him.
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual with a fairly heavy lean towards masculine people
Relationship Status: Taken (Polyamorous Relationship)
Married to one person, engaged to another, and dating a few others.

A sweet seemingly Miqo'te woman who has a passion for baking, fashion, and helping those in need in whatever way she can. She works as a fashion designer/seamstress of fairly impressive talent as well in making specialized candles and incenses that are meant to help promote peaceful sleep among other healthy things. Bashful with a bit of a stammer she can be a little awkward and self conscious but has her little bold moments when needed and she's comfortable with someone.

Type of RP Open For: Mostly social-based RP. Friendly, romantic (with chemistry), business based. casual/cute venues to visit. She likes going on adventures as well with people she trusts and feels safe with. Anything particularly combat heavy or dark would have to be discussed and approved beforehand.


Levin and Roses

Name: Kaiko
Nicknames: Kai, Levinbolt
Age: early 30s
Race: Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te
Profession: Master of Rune Magic, levin and magical sword play as well as an instructor for the above for those she seems worthy of training
Nameday: 22nd Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon (8/22)
Gender: female
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Relationship Status: Taken (Polyamorous Open Relationship)
Married to one person, seriously dating another, and casually dating a few others

A Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te who spent most of her years growing up on the streets of Ul'dah after arriving there as a refugee from Gyr Abania. While still bold and prideful the once overly brash and headstrong girl has mellowed out some in recent times and has grown far more calculating and mindful of her actions, specially when others may also be at stake. Skilled in runic magic and with a strong control over levin she's a force to be reckoned with both in and out of battle, and a great ally to have on your side. Past that though she loves a good drink and is never one to turn down a good time, whether that be going out on some sort of adventure, hitting up a venue, or something a bit more private behind closed doors.

Type of RP Open For: Social RP (friendship, romance with chemistry, casual hookups, etc), interesting venues to hit up, combat/adventure RP. Dark themes welcome though should be discussed beforehand.


The Soft Doctor

Name: Emile
Nicknames: Em
Age: mid 30s
Race: pureblooded garlean
Profession: Magitek Technician, Tech Scholar, Medicus who is learning to specialize in prosthetics
Nameday: 16th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Gender: Male
Orientation: Panromantic Demisexual with a heavy male lean
Relationship Status: Taken, dating someone and while his partner is poly he's not necessarily looking for anyone else himself at the moment (but if it happens it happens?)

A quiet man currently living with his twin sister in Garlemald who tends to keep to himself, his machines, and his medical studies. After nearly a decade of being in hiding after tragic events in his past, he's recently returned home and was reunited with home and family and is trying to find his place amongst the ruins and rebuildings of the empire. A frail man plagued by illness and insecurities, he's somewhat shy and keeps to himself, but those who do get past the shy, wary exterior will find a kind and caring man who just wants to do good for the world and reclaim a life that was taken from him for so long.

Type of RP Open For: Social RP, primarily friendship. Anything romantic would be an incredibly slow burn as he's happy with his boyfriend and while he'd be allowed to date others he isn't in any rush to, nor is he the type to do casual hookups or such. Also open to any sort of RP that would involve his engineering work or medical work or anything involving Garlemald and its restoration.


Novelist and Gun Enthusiast

Name: Amelia
Nicknames: Ams, Lia
Age: mid 30s
Race: Purebloood Garlean
Profession: Aspiring Novelist
Nameday: 16th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Gender: female
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Relationship Status: Taken (Monogomous Relationship)

A quiet, reclusive woman who lives with her twin brother in Garlemald. A brother whom she's only recently been reunited with after nearly a decade of chasing after his seeming ghost. After so long of not living her own life she's just starting to come into her own again and figure out who she wants to be and where she wants to go with her life. Two things have always kept her interest though, her guns and writing her poetry and stories, so perhaps her future will lie somewhere with them.


She who walks with Chaos

Name: Yolaine
Nicknames: Mistress
Age: Mature Adult
Race: Duskwight Elezen
Profession: Noblewoman in public, Void Witch in the Dark
Nameday: 28th Sun of 5th Umbral Moon
Gender: Female
Orientation: Grayromantic Gynosexual
Relationship Status: Single

An albinic woman who tends to wear a mask when in public, cool and collected with an air of bewitching allure to her person. Somewhat aloof and distant at first meeting but can show great interest and forwardness towards those who pique her curiosity.


He of Hollowed Night

Name: Gustavain
Nicknames: Gust
Age: Unknown, appears mid 30s physically
Race: Appears to be a Duskwight Elezen
Profession: Seeker of rare artifacts and various other odd jobs
Nameday: Unknown, doesn't really celebrate it so doesn't care to know
Gender: Male
Orientation: Grayromantic Pansexual with a male lean
Relationship Status: Single

Skilled in a multitude of talents, including playing the piano and being the man who can get just about any job done. He is constantly searching for rare and powerful objects for his employer and rare/old tomes for himself, and will never shy away from trying to make connections with those who are powerful and influential. Not one to let people in close, he is certainly a man of mystery that may draw people in simply on that fact alone. After all, who dosen't like to try and puzzle out someone who doesn't want to be solved?

Type of RP Open For: Mostly social or business-based RP. Friendship, romance (very slow burn and with chemistry), casual connections. Dark themes very welcome though should always be discussed first!


Eorzea's Darling

Name: Hatia
Nicknames: Hati
Age: young adult
Race: Rava Viera
Profession: Travelling Performer (Dancer/Singer/Harpist)
Nameday: 27th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
Gender: Female
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Relationship Status: Taken (Monogomous Relationship)

A sweet and curious Rava Viera who has left the safety of her jungle home to introduce her song and dance to all of Eorzea. Kind and giving to a fault she's always happy to offer a song, dance, or smile to those she comes across. For those into the music scene, she made quite a name for herself as an idol before she took a break to raise a family!


Sweet smile, Sharp blades

Name: Minako
Nicknames: Mina
Age: Young Adult
Race: Raen Au Ra/Midlander Hyur Mix
Profession: Adventurer and Occasional Model
Nameday: 24th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Gender: Female
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual with a male lean
Relationship Status: Single

A half hyuran/raen girl who typically has a smile to offer those she comes across. There is often a bit of mischief to her eyes that betrays her otherwise sweet exterior. There's definitely more to this girl then meets the eye, but in what way one would have to get to know her to find out.


The Fitness Catte

Name: Vanoh
Nicknames: Van
Age: Mid-late 20s
Race: Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te
Profession: Owner of a Gym and fitness/wellness coach
Nameday: 17th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
Gender: Male
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Relationship Status: Taken (Polyamorous Relationship) - Currently very content with the woman he's dating so not in any rush to date anyone else

A charming seeker male who runs a fitness gym and wellness center and is all about living your best life. Always ready to help those in need and while he's mostly retired from the adventurer's lifestyle he's still quite skilled with the lance and ready to pick it back up whenever the time arises. For now, he's just here for gains, pretty faces, and living a good life while helping others do the same.

Type of RP Open For: Mostly social-based RP. Friendship, romance (with chemistry and likely a good bit of effort on the other person's part as he's content with what he has already), new clients for his coaching work or to visit his gym or just fellow gym buddies in general, possibly some fun venues to hit up from time to time


Bohemian High Lady

Name: Celeste
Nicknames: Este, Little Lady
Age: young adult (specially for a viera)
Race: Rava Viera
Profession: Accomplished artist (painter and sculptor) who runs an Atelier/Art Shop and Ishgardian Noble (adopted)
Gender: Female
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual with a male lean
Relationship Status: Single, but is quite happily mingling

Type of RP Open For: Mostly social-based RP. Friendship, romance, business contacts. She's always excited to meet new people, specially fellow artists or pretty people she can ask model for her.


Lady Fights a Lot

Name: Syllvia
Nicknames: Syl, V
Age: mature adult
Race: Ishgardian Elezen
Profession: ex bodyguard, current chaos creator
Gender: Female
Orientation: Fightsexual, you must be able to keep up with her or beat her in combat to ride this ride
Relationship Status: Single


Ser Perpetually Exhausted*

Name: Tristen
Nicknames: Blue eyes
Age: Mature Adult
Race: Ishgardian Elezen
Profession: Bodyguard and Minor Noble
Gender: Male
Orientation: Panromantic Graysexual
Relationship Status: Single


The Plucky Adventurer

Name: Amarylis
Nicknames: Ama
Age: young adult
Race: Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te
Profession: adventurer
Gender: Female
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Relationship Status: Technically single but dating a few people at least casually

Type of RP Open For: Both social-based and combat/adventure based RP. Friendship, romance (with chemistry), casual hookups. She loves seeing new places and meeting new people and is quite handy with a bow.


The Aetherdense Pup

Name: Qestra
Nicknames: Pup
Age: adult (appears young physically but is older then she looks)
Race: puppy? Even she doesn't know, really. She was found at sea and adopted by hyur fisherman
Profession: Works for the Arcanist Guild
Gender: Female
Orientation: Biromantic Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single

Type of RP Open For: Mostly social-based RP. Friendship, romance. Adventure is on the cards as well, as she does want to see more of the world but is scared to go alone!


Pearl of the Red Tides

Name: Shinju
Nicknames: Shin, Princess
Age: young adult
Race: deep sea raen (fishgirl)
Profession: None of current, long lost princess of a lost kingdom trying to find her way in life
Gender: Female
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single

Type of RP Open For: Mostly social-based RP. Friendship, romance, also looking for someone to serve as her bodyguard of sorts in the future


Klepto Dragonbirb

Name: Karakaxa
Nicknames: Kara, Monster, Birb
Age: Unknown, looks fairly young adult physically
Race: allagan chimera (dragon/bird based)
Profession: None, unless nuisance and general chaos maker counts
Nameday: Unknown
Gender: non-binary, they/them or she/her pronouns, appears afab physically
Orientation: If she likes it, she likes it, labels mean nothing to her otherwise
Relationship Status: Single


Mouse in the Shadows

Name: Kerre
Nicknames: Mouse, Bell
Age: Young Adult
Race: Midlander Hyur (Thavnarian)
Profession: pianist and lounge singer, retired spy/assassin
Nameday: 25th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon (9/25)
Gender: Female
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single

A hyuran lass with a dark past she typically keeps hidden behind practiced smiles and a neutral countenance. With the voice of an angel she can occasionally be found working as a lounge singer, but more often then not she keeps to herself, preferring to watch people from the sideline while trying to figure out her own place in the world.

Type of RP Open For: Mostly Social based RP, romance (with chemistry), potential adventure or mystery type stuff being plotted for the future


Ancient Songbird of the Woods

Name: Sylvis
Nicknames: flower, songbird
Age: They are uncertain of the age at this point, but have been around a very, very long time.
Race: Veena Viera
Profession: travelling minstrel
Nameday: 14th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon (2/13)
Gender: non-binary (They/Them)
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Relationship Status: Taken [Polyamorous Open Relationship]
Dating two people and quite content with them both

A kindhearted viera who loves to travel and meet new people. Nothing pleases them more then hearing a good story or learning something new from someone they meet. Skilled both in playing the lute and singing they are a delight for any to come across as they share their song with those around the world as they make their way across it.


Eorzea's Strongest Granny

Name: Gloria
Nicknames: Grams
Age: Late 60s
Race: Highlander Hyur
Profession: Professional Woodworker
Gender: Female
Orientation: Biromantic Bisexual
Relationship Status: Widow

A kindhearted woman and skilled woodswoman who spends much of her free time working on woodworking commissions and helping to watch over a small family she's adopted as her own. A retired gladiatrix and widower who has already seen all of her actual children raised and off into the world minus her youngest who current lives with her. She's just looking to spend her golden years peacefully and surrounded by love and helping however she can.


Grade A Grump

Name: Jenevieve
Nicknames: Jene
Age: Young Adult
Race: Highlander Hyur
Profession: Retired Adventurer, Woodworker in Training
Gender: Trans Female
Orientation: Biromantic Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single


Puppy Dog Attack Unit

Name: Minerva
Nicknames: Mina
Age: Mature Adult
Race: Pureblooded Garlean
Profession: Recently retired from military service, still trying to find her way in life now
Gender: Female
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual with a female lean
Relationship Status: Single


She of the Sweetest Grin

Name: Mirabelle
Nicknames: Mira
Age: Unknown, appears young adult physically, is likely far older
Race: Faerie (Fawn)
Profession: Runs a flower shop as well as helps run a few island farms for various clients
Gender: Presents as Female
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual with a heavy lean towards males
Relationship Status: Single, but always mingling

Type of RP Open For: Mostly social based. Friendship, romance, casual encounters, business connections. She's open to exploration and adventure as well.


The Reclusive Count

Name: Mordecai
Nicknames: Cai, Lord, Count
Age: Appears mature adult physically, but is far older
Race: Ishgardian Elezen (Vampire)
Profession: Head of a noble house
Gender: Male
Orientation: Biromantic Bisexual with an extremely heavy lean towards masculine types
Relationship Status: Is rather sweet on/serious for one man, with a few more casual partners outside of that

Type of RP Open For: Mostly social-based RP. Friendship, romance (with chemistry), as well as possible new additions to his coven/noble house and the like.


Big lady, Lotta love

Name: Ivory
Nicknames: Ivy, Puppy
Age: Young Adult
Race: Hellsguard Roegadyn (Albino)
Profession: Bodyguard and Adventurer
Nameday: 27th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon
Gender: Female
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single

A giant puppy dog of a Roe who genuinely enjoys the company of others and putting her strength and combative ability to use keeping people safe.


Blind Lady of Rage

Name: Sindrell
Nicknames: Sin
Age: Mature Adult
Race: Viera//Miqo'te hybrid (Cabbit!)
Profession: Mercenary
Gender: Female
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single

A blind woman who hardly lets that stop her from kicking ass and not bothering to take names. Little is really known about the woman due to her being tight lipped about herself and prone to fighting with anyone who tries to pry into it, but when it comes to her job she's damn good at it.


Vainglorious Delight

Name: Kiela
Nicknames: Kiki
Age: Unknown, appears mature adult physically
Race: Voidsent that's taken on a vieran form
Profession: Works for and has been summoned by Yolaine to do whatever she bids
Nameday: Unknown
Gender: Genderfluid (any pronouns)
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single

One of seven voidsent that work for Yolaine. Kiela, the voidsent of vainglory, loves and thrives off of attention and is quite good at garnering it for themselves. They're often tasked with getting intel or 'persuading' people to do something or give them something, though it's far from rare that they just play with someone just cause they're bored or hungry.


She Who Giggles in the Dark

Name: Malasatra
Nicknames: Mala, Hound
Age: Unknown, appears young adult physically
Race: Void hound
Profession: Was summoned by Yolaine to be her void avatar
Nameday: Unknown
Gender: Genderfluid (prefers she/her pronouns)
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single

A terrifying gremlin of a creature who loves to cause chaos. Playful to a fault and often quite cruel specially when she's in predator with prey mode. She and the woman she serves don't always see eye to eye and she quite delights in driving the void witch crazy since she knows the woman can't do much about it because she won't give up the power that Mala provides her.


Seeker of all things Supernatural

Name: Aspen
Nicknames: Asps
Age: Young Adult
Race: Midlander Hyur
Profession: Originally was a paranormal vlogger back on Earth, now she's a confused adventurer getting used to her new life on Eorzea
Nameday: 20th Sun of Fifth Umbral Moon (10/20)
Gender: Female
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single

A fearless if a bit dense girl who loves to see new things and explore, which probably is what ended up causing her to fall through the wormhole that brought her to Eorzea! She's excitable by all the new things there are to see and experience though she misses her old life of being a social media influencer and popular supernatural vlogger, having nothing quite as comparable to try and aim for in this new world, though that won't stop her from trying to find her way otherwise!


Huntress Supreme

Name: Rosa
Code Name: Harper
Age: Mature Adult
Race: Hellion Hrothgar
Profession: Leader of a Monster Hunter's Guild and all around adventurer/merc/arms for hire type
Gender: Female
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single


Baker Catte

Name: Anatalya
Nicknames: Ana
Age: Mature Adult
Race: The Lost Hrothgar
Profession: Baker
Gender: Female
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single

Type of RP Open For: Mostly social as well as possible romance with chemistry


Golden Boy

Name: Rhapsody
Nicknames: Rhap
Age: Young Adult
Race: Rava Viera
Profession: Aspiring Bar Owner, skilled bartender, and adventurer
Gender: Male
Orientation: Panromantic Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single

Type of RP Open For: Social, adventure, romance (with chemistry)


Types of RP Looking For

This depends greatly on the character being played. Generally I am open to just about any type of RP from cute and fluffy to hard and angsty and everything in between. So if you aren't sure which of my chars might fit a theme you want to possibly bring up to me just ask and I am happy to plot possibilities with you if any of my chars would be a fit!

Contact Info

  • In-Game: Depends on the char, better to contact via Discord first.

  • Discord: ariaAnomaly (please state how you found me if you've not messaged me before!)


  • Time Zone: Eastern US (EST)

  • Active Hours: evenings Sat-Wed, any time of day Thurs-Fri

  • Preferred place to RP: Primarily in-game as it's easier to keep focused on the RP. Willing to do discord for continuations or if in-game availability is hard to find, but I can be very bad about keeping up with them.

OOC/RP Guidelines

  • 20+ RPers only. Even if the RP never goes to any sort of adult theme I just am not comfortable RPing with people under this age.

  • Avoid metagaming at all, please. All information in this profile is meant for OOC purposes only, and not to be used IC unless your character might know part of it. Also, please do not god mod or act toxic at all. Thank you.

  • My RP style is typically 1-5 paragraphs a post, but I typically try to match my partners so mileage will vary. If I'm not given much to work off of though my posts will in turn be very simple as well. I can tend to veer towards being robust though, so if you'd like me to keep it more simple just let me know!

  • I am comfortable with darker themes (violence, sex, drugs, etc) and am just fine RPing them out as long as they make sense to the story being told between our characters. Any particular heavy themes I would prefer to discuss OOCly first before anything happens ICly.

  • I am fairly lore-abiding, but as long as what you play isn't so completely out of the realm of possibility I'll probably not say much about it. If you do RP something completely lore breaking I will not judge you for it, but I will respectfully decline to take part in it.

  • OOC and IC are not the same, nor should they ever be treated as such. Anything my character says or does will not always reflect me as the player. I ask that all that I RP with keep this in mind and know how to keep the two separate! No drama please, I'm just here to play barbies with friends and have a good time, yeah?

  • I enjoy all types of RP. Combat, adventure/exploration, bar crawls, casual chatter, romantic, friendly, whatever. I like to see my characters thrive in all walks of their life and enjoy playing out just about anything there is to be played out. If you're looking for a particular type of RP don't hesitate to ask and let's see if we can't make something happen!

  • Please note, that while I enjoy romantic RP and am not opposed to sexual RP I am not looking to live vicariously through my characters. I am not interested in dating you nor am I wanting to cyber with you, no matter what our characters themselves may be getting up to.

  • I am friendly to NPC players, so if you RP an NPC and would be interested in my chars interacting feel free to reach out!